Pan African Minerals University of Science & Technology - [H.B. 10-2015]



The purpose of this Bill is to establish the Pan-African Minerals University of Science and Technology (PAMUST) and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing. The main provisions of the Bill are explained below in brief.
Part I
Clause 1 sets out the short title. Clause 2 provides for the definition of terms used in the Bill.
Part II
Clauses 3 and 4 provides for the establishment and the objects of the University.
Clause 5 provides for the programme areas that the University will offer during initial stage of it operationalisation.
Clause 6 provides for the powers of the University.
Part lll
Clauses 7 and 8 provides for the membership of the University and prohibition against discrimination in membership of University.
Clause 9 provides for the appointment of the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe as the Chancellor of the University.
Clauses 10 and 11 provides for the appointment of Vice Chancellor and the Pro-Vice Chancellor.
Clause 12 and provides for membership of the Council and their appointment.
Clause 13 provides for the functions of the Council.
Clauses 14 and 15 provides for the disqualification for appointment as Council member and vacation of office by Council members.
Clauses 16 and 17 provides for the election of the Chairperson and ViceChairperson of the Counci 1 and the Executive Committee of the Council, its membership and functions.
Clause 18 provides for the composition of the Senate.
Clause 19 provides for the functions of the Senate.
Clause 20 provides for the composition and functions of the Academic Board, which shall be the principal committee of the Senate.
Clause 21 provides for the appointment of the Registrar.
Clause 22 provides for the appointment of the Bursar.
Clause 23 provides for the appointment of the Librarian. Clause 24 provides for the convocation of the University.

This Part provides for miscellaneous provisions relating to the University.
Clause 25 provides for the conditions of service of staff.
Clause 26 provides for the appointment and grading of staff.
Clause 27 provides for the promotion of staff.
Clauses 28 and 29 provides for the Staff Disciplinary and the Student Disciplinary Committees, their membership and functions.
Clauses 30 and 31 provide for the Finance Committee and the Accounts of the University respectively.
Clause 32 provides for service of process and clause 33 provides for the Statutes of the University.
Clause 34 provides for the conflict of interest issues where a member is not allowed to participate in a meeting where he or she has a direct or indirect interest.
Clause 35 provides for the making of regulations by the Senate. Regulations made in terms of this section will be approved by the Council.
Clause 36 provides for validity of decisions of Council, Senate, Convocation and boards and committees.
. .
The Schedule provides for the Statutes of the University.

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