Older Persons Act - No 1-2012

Act No. 1 of 2012

Gazetted:                 Monday 17th September 2012

Commencement:     brought into operation on the 1st September 2017 (SI 100 of 2017)

Older Persons Act as at 15th September 2016



To provide for the well-being of older persons; to provide for the appointment of a Director for Older Persons Affairs, the establishment of an Older Persons Board;  to create an Older Persons Fund;  and to provide for matters connected therewith, or incidental thereto.

ENACTED by the President and Parliament of Zimbabwe.



1    Short title and date of commencement

(1)  This Act may be cited as the Older Persons Act, 2011.

(2)  This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the President by statutory instrument.



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