SI 2008-11 - Proclamation 3 of 2008: Constituencies Proclamation



HIS EXCELLENCY THE HONOURABLE ROBERT GABRIEL MUGABE, G.C.Z.M., President of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of Zimbabwe.

WHEREAS, in terms of section 61A(1) of the Constitution, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission shall, no later than the date notified to it by the President, being a date no later than three months before the date fixed or to be fixed by a proclamation as the date on which Parliament is dissolved under section 63(7) of the Constitution or, as the case may be, the date of the dissolution of Parliament under section 63(4) of the Constitution, determine the limits of the wards and constituencies into which Zimbabwe is to be divided for the purpose of electing members of the governing bodies of local authorities and members of Parliament respectively;

AND WHEREAS, in terms of the proviso to 61A(1) of the Constitution, it is provided that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission shall produce a preliminary delimitation report no later than one month before the date fixed or to be fixed by a proclamation as the date on which Parliament is dissolved under section 63(7) of the Constitution or, as the case may be, the date of the dissolution of Parliament under section 63(4) of the Constitution.

AND WHEREAS, in terms of the proviso to 61A(8) of the Constitution, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has submitted to the President a preliminary delimitation report comprising—

       (a)   a list of wards and House of Assembly constituencies delimited by the Commission, with the names assigned to each and a description of their boundaries;

       (b)   a list of senatorial constituencies delimited by the Commission, with the names assigned to each and a description of their boundaries;

       (c)   a map or maps showing the wards and House of Assembly and senatorial constituencies into which Zimbabwe has been divided by the Commission; and

       (d)   any further information or particulars which the Commission considered necessary;

and the President has, in accordance with the aforesaid provision, caused the report to be laid before Parliament on the 14th January, 2007;

AND WHEREAS, in terms of the proviso to 61A(11) of the Constitution, within fourteen days after receiving the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s final delimitation report, the President shall publish a proclamation in the Gazette declaring the names and boundaries of the wards and the House of Assembly and senatorial constituencies as finally determined by the Commission to be the wards and House of Assembly and senatorial constituencies of Zimbabwe, which boundaries shall have effect for the purposes of the next and any subsequent general election.

AND WHEREAS the President received the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s final delimitation report on the 23rd January, 2007;

NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the powers vested in the President as aforesaid, I do by this my Proclamation declare the names and boundaries of the wards and the House of Assembly and senatorial constituencies as finally determined by the Commission, which names and boundaries are set out in the Schedule to this Proclamation, to be the wards and House of Assembly and senatorial constituencies of Zimbabwe for the purposes of the forthcoming and any subsequent general election.

Note by Veritas: See also SI 20 of 2008, gazetted on 15 February 2008 which is also relevant. SI 20/2008 is available here.

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