HMA 203/18 - Annexure A4 - Analysis of Anneture

Media Monitors’ Analysis of Annexure “J” of the 1st Respondent’s Opposing Affidavit in Firinne Trust operating as Veritas & 2 Ors v Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation & 4 Ors HC 230/18


Coverage of political parties on ZTV on the specified dates


At the request of the Applicants’ legal practitioners in the abovementioned matter, Media Monitors conducted an analysis of the data outlined in Annexure “J” of the 1st Respondent’s Opposing Affidavit in order to verify its accuracy and do a comparative analysis of the 1st Respondent’s coverage of ZANU PF during the same period since that party was excluded from the 1st Respondent’s list.

Monitoring was conducted of ZTV’s programming during prime time (6-10pm) on the dates identified in Annexure “J”. Out of the list of 24 parties purportedly covered by ZTV over a six-month period (January to June 2018), only 14 were identified during Media Monitors’ verification.  Time allocated to these parties and the tone of their coverage was juxtaposed with the representation of ZANU PF on the same platform.
