GN 2019-0448 Competition and Tariff Commission - Investigation into Allegations of Restrictive Practices in Distribution of Stock Feeds and Day-old Chicks

This notice by the Commission draws attention to its investigation into the above allegations and calls on stakeholders and members of the public to make written representations to the Commission no later than 31st March 2018 either by emailing them to or or enquiries or submitting hard copies to:

The Director
Competition and Tariff Commission, Block One, Second Floor,
Unit L, Celestial Office Park Offices, 1908, Borrowdale Road,
Borrowdale, Harare.

If anyone seeks further details or clarifications on any aspect of the Commission’s investigation, you may contact Mr. Polite
Mukombo on Tel: (+263) 853127–32; (+263) 8644137945 or e-mail:

All representations submitted to the Commission will be treated in strict confidence, and will only be used for the purpose of this investigation. 

The full text of the notice can be downloaded below.

Download File: 
