In the Introduction to this 63-page glossy document the Minister of Finance and Economic Development explains its purpose:
1. The 2020 Pre-Budget Strategy Paper (BSP) is meant to facilitate discussions on policy direction for the 2020 National Budget, consistent
with the objectives of the Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP) and aspirations of Vision 2030.
2. For that purpose, the BSP highlights recent global and domestic macro-economic developments and outlook, which together with
some assumptions inform the 2020-22 BSP Indicative Macro-Fiscal Framework.
3. The Framework contains macro-fiscal targets, benchmarks and projections on revenues and expenditures compatible with TSP targets
and the proposed 2020 Budget policy thrust.
4. The Budget thrust is also informed by progress made on implementation of various reforms under the TSP, including policy gaps that require
attention during the forthcoming year.
The Minister ends the document with the following words:
171. Building on the accomplishments of the ongoing reform agenda, the thrust of the 2020 National Budget is to transition from austerity policy
position to supporting growth and productivity, without compromising medium to long term fiscal sustainability.
172. Therefore, the 2020 National Budget should build on the ongoing reforms to enhance the doing business environment so as to promote
private sector-led growth, employment creation and sustainable development.
173. The 2020 BSP, therefore, anticipates stakeholders to rally behind the macro-fiscal consolidation and productivity enhancement agenda, as
we conclude implementation of the TSP.