Cabinet received and noted with satisfaction a progress report on the status of Bills under review for Constitutional Alignment from the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, as Leader of Government Business in Parliament. The laws to be aligned have been categorised into ten clusters namely: Media and Information; Security; Citizenship and Movement of People; Local Government; Social Services; Environmental and Natural Resources; Justice Delivery; Economic Services; Political and Civil Rights; and Cross-Cutting. To date, out of a total number of 183 statutes to be aligned with the Constitution, 144 have been amended, leaving a balance of 39. Over and above the 183 statutes which required alignment, there were 19 statutes identified as requiring enactment. Of those 19 new statutes, 14 have since either been enacted into law or have bills which are undergoing Parliamentary processes. Government will continue to work hard in order to ensure that the alignment of the country’s laws to the Constitution is completed in the shortest possible time.