Cabinet received from the Honourable Vice President K.C.D. Mohadi, as Chairman of the Ad Hoc Inter-Ministerial Task Force on the COVID-19, an update on the steps that are being taken to contain the spread of theCOVID-19 pandemic.
The cumulative rapid screening and PCR tests conducted as of 3 August, 2020 are 137 808 (73 174 RDT and 64 634PCR). The country has recorded a cumulative four thousand and seventy-five (4 075)confirmed COVID-19 cases compared to the previously reported 2704, which is a 51% increase, while the cumulative number of confirmed local cases has risen by 78% from the previously reported 1675 to 2982. Most of the local cases are in Harare(1299), Bulawayo (947), Midlands Province (245), Mashonaland East (161) and Manicaland (113). Recoveries have increased by 95% from 542 to 1057, while deaths increased by 122% from 36 to 80.
In light of the spike in COVID-19 cases, the number of PCRtests done per week has doubled with the average tests per day standing at 1,130 as compared to 559 from the week ending 24 July 2020. Seventy-five (75) percent of the tests are being conducted by the public sector.