The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is structured along thematic areas which inform the programs undertaken in 2019. These are Research and Knowledge Management; Complaints Handling and Investigations; Healing, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation; Victim Support Gender and Diversity, and Prevention and Non-Recurrence with support departments namely Finance, Administration and Human Resources; Media and Communications; Legal Services; Audit, Information, Communication and Technology and Monitoring and Evaluation. The activities conducted under each of the programs in the reporting year are outlined in the report; suffice to note that the work was aimed at achieving the strategic outcomes of; enabled processes and frameworks for addressing legacies of violent conflicts through inclusive healing efforts; a positive and legal environment for peace; improved architecture for conflict prevention at national and subnational levels; and enhanced national capacities for sustaining peace, healing and reconciliation.
In terms of the NPRC Act, the Commission is mandated to receive and investigate complaints from members of the public. An analysis of complaints received reveals that the majority of conflicts revolve around issues of unfair distribution of resources, land disputes, mining disputes, partisan distribution of food aid, political victimisation, and chieftainship wrangles. Of notable concern is the fact that women, children and persons with disabilities were not spared in the conflicts.