1. Government is launching the 2021 Budget Strategy Paper (BSP) in line with the New Dispensation’s commitment of ensuring broader stakeholder involvement in policy formulation processes, that way generating effective public participation in policy and programmes implementation.
2. Accordingly, the 2021 Budget Strategy Paper (BSP) constitutes a valuable tool, meant to guide consultative discussions and sharing of ideas on national priority policies, programmes and projects for the forthcoming 2021 National Budget.
3. Under the theme “Building Resilience and Economic Recovery Post COVID-19” the Budget Strategy Paper focusses on strengthening the economy to withstand any potential climatic (drought, cyclones, floods, pests) and macroeconomic shocks, as we focus on attaining inclusive and sustainable growth towards Vision 2030.
4. The targeted constituency include the Tripartite Negotiating Forum Partners comprising Government, Business and Labour as well as parliamentarians, private sector players, civic society organisations, academia, and all other interested parties/individuals inclusive of cooperating development partners.
5. A broader consultative process is particularly important at this juncture for strengthening policies and other interventions, in view of multi-facetted nature of challenges such as macroeconomic and climatic shocks in form of recurring droughts and other natural disasters, prevailing humanitarian tragedy in form of the COVID-19 pandemic, which all disrupt livelihoods and the economy at large.
6. This, therefore, requires redefinition of the country’s priorities and focus, paying particular attention to reducing poverty, promoting equitable shared growth and resuscitating distressed sectors of the economy, strengthening social services delivery systems and establishing resilient and inclusive safety nets to protect the vulnerable members of the society.
264. The 2021 National Budget is a bridge of the TSP and the successor five-year National Development Strategy 2021-25, hence, stakeholder contributions should seek to consolidate the work of the TSP, as we move towards the attainment of the Vision 2030.