IT is hereby notified that that the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare has, in terms of section 80 of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01], approved the publication of the Collective Bargaining Agreement set out in the Schedule.
The parties to the above collective bargaining agreement have entered into an agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Act [Chapter 28: 01], (herein referred to as the “Act”) between the Harare Municipality, of the one part and the employee party represented by the Harare Municipal Workers Union (HMWU), the Zimbabwe Urban Councils Workers Union (ZUCWU), (Harare Branch), the Water and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe (WAWUZ) and the Zimbabwe Allied Municipalities Workers Union (ZAMWU), of the other part, being parties to the Employment Council for the Harare Municipal Undertaking.
Parties have agreed to the following—