COMMISSIONS WATCH 04-2021 - Candidates Shortlisted for the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission


[26th March 2021]

Candidates Shortlisted for the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission [NPRC]

There are eight vacancies to be filled on the NPRC.  One vacancy arose in February 2020 when a member resigned and the other seven in February 2021 when the 5-year term of office of the commissioners came to an end.

In terms of sections 237 and 251 of the Constitution, the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders (CSRO) of the Parliament of Zimbabwe is mandated to nominate candidates for the appointment by His Excellency, the President, to serve as Commissioners on the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission. This is provided for under Chapter 12 , Part 6 of the Constitution.

The Chairperson is directly appointed by the President but the NPRC current chairperson, Justice Sello Nare, is only coming into his fourth year of office and so this will not apply to him.

Previous Commissioners had only served one term and are, therefore, eligible for re-appointment.  In fact, five of them are on the list of candidates to be interviewed [we have marked their names with the # symbol in the list below].  Section 17 of the Constitution states that at least four of the members should be women. 

Section 236 of the Constitution specifically states that members of Commissions are to be non-political. It is however possible for a political party member to be appointed to the Commission but he/she must relinquish his/her membership of the political party within 30 days of such appointment. For example, in the list provided by Parliament [see below], Obert Gutu is a shortlisted candidate who has recently publicly joined ZANU-PF, so if he were appointed by the President he would have to resign promptly.  And this would apply to any other appointee who is a member of a political party.





The Committee on Standing Rules and Orders (CSRO) of the Parliament of Zimbabwe is mandated, in terms of sections 237 and 251 of the Constitution, to nominate candidates for appointment by His Excellency, the President, to serve as Commissioners on the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) as provided for in Chapter 12, Part 6, of the Constitution.

The Functions of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission

The functions of the Commission and the person specifications as specified under Section 252 of the Constitution are as given below.

  1. to ensure post-conflict justice, healing and reconciliation;
  2. to develop and implement programmes to promote national healing, unity and cohesion in Zimbabwe and the peaceful resolution of disputes;
  3. to bring about national reconciliation by encouraging people to tell the truth about the past and facilitating the making of amends and the provision of justice;
  4. to develop procedures and institutions at a national level to facilitate dialogue among political parties, communities, organisations and other groups, in order to prevent conflicts and disputes arising in the future;
  5. to develop programmes to ensure that persons subjected to persecution, torture and other forms of abuse receive rehabilitative treatment and support;
  6. to receive and consider complaints from the public and to take such action in regard to the complaints as the Commission considers appropriate;
  7. to develop mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes, and to take appropriate preventive measures;
  8. to do anything incidental to the prevention of conflict and the promotion of peace;
  9. to conciliate and mediate disputes among communities, organisations, groups and individuals; and
  10. to recommend legislation to ensure that assistance, including documentation, is rendered to persons affected by conflicts, pandemics or other circumstances.

Person Specifications

Members of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission must be chosen for their integrity and their knowledge and understanding of, and experience in, mediation, conciliation, conflict prevention and management, post-conflict reconciliation or peace building.

The following twenty-nine (29) candidates who meet the above criteria, have hence been shortlisted for interviews which will be held in public on the 14th April, 2021. These interviews will be held in the SENATE Chamber, Ground Floor, Parliament Building, corner Nelson Mandela Avenue and Third Street, HARARE. The under listed candidates must, therefore, report for the interviews by not later than 07:30hrs on the day of the interviews. The interviewees must bring positive identification documents to access the Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance. They must also ensure strict adherence and compliance with prevailing COVID19 regulations and protocols.

  1. CHADA, GODFREY. T. Dr. #                                MALE                        09:00hrs
  2. CHIBUNDU JOSHUA. Mr.                                     MALE                        09:15hrs
  3. CHEKENYERE, GORDEN.D. Dr. #                      MALE                        09:30hrs
  4. CHIMANGE, GETRUDE. Ms.                               MALE                        09:45hrs
  5. CHIRADZA, PATIENCE. Z. Ms. #                        FEMALE                   10:00hrs
  6. DODO, OBADIAH. Dr.                                           MALE                        10:15hrs
  7. DUBE, DONWELL. Dr.                                          MALE                        10:30hrs

TEA BREAK – 10:45HOURS – 11: 00HOURS

  1. GUTU, OBERT.C. Mr.                                            MALE                        11:00hrs
  2. GWERE, NOMAQHAWE. Mrs.                            FEMALE                   11:15hrs
  3. JACK, PETER. Mr.                                                 MALE                        11:30hrs
  4. MACHISA, OKAY. Mr.                                          MALE                        11:45hrs
  5. MANDEYA, ROBERT. Mr.                                    MALE                        12:00hrs
  6. MANDIWOMA, ELIZABETH. Mrs.                     FEMALE                   12:15hrs
  7. MHANDARA, LAWRENCE. Dr.                          MALE                        12:30hrs
  8. MOYO, CHIROPAFADZO. Rev. Dr.                    MALE                        12:45hrs
  9. MUCHECHETERE, ANDREW. A. Rev.              MALE                        13:00hrs


  1. MUNEMO, DOUGLAS. Dr.                                   MALE                        14:00hrs
  2. MUSHUNJE, MILDRED. Dr                                 FEMALE                   14:15hrs
  3. MUTSHINA, MARILYN. Ms.                                FEMALE                   14:30hrs
  4. NCUBE, LESLIE. Dr #.                                           MALE                        14:45hrs
  5. NDLOVU, TSHIMUMOYO. Ms.                           FEMALE                   15:00hrs
  6. NDORO, CHOICE. Mrs.#                                       FEMALE                   15:15hrs
  7. NGWENYA, KHOLWANI. Mr.                             MALE                        15:30hrs
  8. NYAMUKACHI, EARNEST. Mr.                          MALE                        15:45hrs
  9. RUKUNI, TINASHE. Dr.                                        MALE                        16:00hrs
  10. SHAMBARE, JOSEPHINE. Dr.                             FEMALE                   16:15hrs
  11. TARU, JOSIAH. Dr.                                                MALE                        16:30hrs
  12. VHIRIRI, THAMMARY. B. Mrs.                          FEMALE                   16:45hrs
  13. ZODZI, ANGELICA. Ms.                                       FEMALE                   17:00hrs

Those unable to attend the interviews for one reason or the other must immediately notify the Clerk of Parliament through email or

The CSRO would like to thank all those who nominated candidates for possible consideration to serve on the Commission and those who expressed their interest in being part of the NPRC.

Once again, the CSRO remains indebted to all who invested their time in making sure that our democracy works. In view of the prevailing COVID19 regulations and restrictions, we invite and expect the public to follow the interviews on television, our Facebook page Parliament of Zimbabwe and our twitter handle @ParliamentZim.


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