COMMISSIONS WATCH 06/2021 - NPRC Candidates Interviews Brought Forward to 16 April


[3rd April 2021]

National Peace and Reconciliation Commission [NPRC]

Candidates Interviews Brought Forward to Friday 16th April

Parliament has announced changes to its plans for the public interviews to be conducted by the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders.  The date previously notified in Commissions Watch 4/2021 of 26th March [link] was 30th April.  The changes are as follows:

1.   The date for the interviews is now Friday 16th April.  This is two weeks earlier than the original date.  The venue remains unchanged – the Senate Chamber.

2.   There is an extra candidate.  The list of candidates to be interviewed now has 30 names, instead of the previous 29.  The new name is that of the former Deputy Chairperson of the NPRC, Mrs Lillian Chigwedere, whose name was apparently omitted from the original list in error.  This brings up to six the number of ex-members up for re-appointment [these are marked with an # in the following list.] 

3.   Mrs Chigwedere is due to be interviewed at 9.45 am in slot 4.  As candidates have been listed in alphabetical order by surname, the scheduled interview starting times for each of the candidates listed after her will start 15 minutes later than originally scheduled.   For convenience we set out the modified list of candidates and interview times:

  1. CHADA, GODFREY T. Dr. #                             MALE                        09:00hrs
  2. CHIBUNDU JOSHUA Mr.                                 MALE                        09:15hrs
  3. CHEKENYERE, GORDEN.D. Dr. #                 MALE                        09:30hrs
  4. CHIGWEDERE, LILLIAN Mrs #                     FEMALE                   09.45hrs
  5. CHIMANGE, GETRUDE Ms.                           MALE                        10:00hrs
  6. CHIRADZA, PATIENCE Z. Ms. #                    FEMALE                   10:15hrs
  7. DODO, OBADIAH Dr.                                        MALE                        10:30hrs
  8. DUBE, DONWELL Dr.                                       MALE                        10:45hrs

TEA BREAK – 1100 HOURS – 11: 15 HOURS

  1. GUTU, OBERT.C. Mr                                         MALE                        11:15hrs
  2. GWERE, NOMAQHAWE Mrs.                         FEMALE                   11:30hrs
  3. JACK, PETER Mr.                                              MALE                        11:45hrs
  4. MACHISA, OKAY Mr.                                       MALE                        12:00hrs
  5. MANDEYA, ROBERT Mr.                                MALE                        12:15hrs
  6. MANDIWOMA, ELIZABETH Mrs.                 FEMALE                   12:30hrs
  7. MHANDARA, LAWRENCE Dr.                       MALE                        12:45hrs
  8. MOYO, CHIROPAFADZO Rev. Dr.                 MALE                        13:00hrs


  1. MUCHECHETERE, ANDREW A. Rev.           MALE                        14:00hrs
  2. MUNEMO, DOUGLAS. Dr.                               MALE                       14:15hrs
  3. MUSHUNJE, MILDRED. Dr                             FEMALE                   14:30hrs
  4. MUTSHINA, MARILYN. Ms.                            FEMALE                   14:45hrs
  5. NCUBE, LESLIE Dr #.                                       MALE                        15:00hrs
  6. NDLOVU, TSHIMUMOYO Ms.                        FEMALE                   15:15hrs
  7. NDORO, CHOICE. Mrs.#                                  FEMALE                   15:30hrs
  8. NGWENYA, KHOLWANI Mr.                         MALE                        15:45hrs
  9. NYAMUKACHI, EARNEST Mr.                      MALE                        16:00hrs
  10. RUKUNI, TINASHE Dr.                                     MALE                        16:15hrs
  11. SHAMBARE, JOSEPHINE Dr.                         FEMALE                   16:30hrs
  12. TARU, JOSIAH Dr.                                             MALE                        16:45hrs
  13. VHIRIRI, THAMMARY B Mrs.                        FEMALE                   17:00hrs
  14. ZODZI, ANGELICA. Ms.                                  FEMALE                   17:15hrs


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