COMMISSIONS WATCH 07-2021 - Parliament Calls for Nominations to Fill Two ZEC Vacancies


[2nd July 2021]

Call for Public Nominations for Persons to Serve on the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

Two Vacancies to be Filled

Parliament has called on members of the public to nominate suitable persons to be considered for appointment as members of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) in line with provisions of the Constitution.   Closing date for the submission of nominations is 16.30 hours on FRIDAY 16th JULY 2021.

The terms of office of two of the current members of the Commission are due to expire on 31st August, 2021. The two outgoing Commissioners are Dr Qhubani Moyo and Mr Emmanuel Magade.  Both are eligible for reappointment for a second term through the normal process of appointing commissioners.

All nominations will be considered by Parliament’s Committee on Standing Rules and Orders which is mandated by sections 237 and 238 of the Constitution to nominate candidates for appointment by the President to serve as members of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission as provided for in Chapter 12 of the Constitution. 

The Committee is therefore calling on the public to nominate persons to be considered for appointment to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.  The Committee will then conduct public interviews of prospective candidates [on a date to be advised to the public] and then prepare a list not fewer than three nominees for submission to the President.  The President will then make the two required appointments from this list. 

Information for Would-be Candidates and Nominators

Functions of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has the following functions—

(a)  to prepare for, conduct and supervise —

(i)   elections to the office of President and to Parliament;

(ii)  elections to provincial and metropolitan councils and the governing bodies of local authorities;

(iii)  elections of members of the National Council of Chiefs established by section 285; and

(iv)  referendums;

and to ensure that those elections and referendums are conducted efficiently, freely, fairly, transparently and in accordance with the law;

(b)   to supervise elections of the President of the Senate and the Speaker and to ensure that those elections are conducted efficiently and in accordance with the law;

(c)   to register voters;

(d)   to compile voters’ rolls and registers;

(e)   to ensure the proper custody and maintenance of voters’ rolls and registers;

(f)    to delimit constituencies, wards and other electoral boundaries;

(g)   to design, print and distribute ballot papers, approve the form of and procure ballot boxes, and establish and operate polling centres;

(h)   to conduct and supervise voter education;

(i)    to accredit observers of elections and referendums;

(j)    to give instructions to persons in the employment of the State or of a local authority for the purpose of ensuring the efficient, proper, free and fair conduct of any election or referendum; and

(k)   to receive and consider complaints from the public and to take such action in regard to the complaints as the Commission considers appropriate.

Qualities required for appointment

Members of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission must be Zimbabwean citizens and chosen for their integrity and experience and for their competence in the conduct of affairs in the public or private sector.

Term of office

Members of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission are appointed for a six-year term.

Nomination Procedure

The official nomination form must be used and the instructions on the form must be followed.  The form can be obtained at Parliament Building from the office of either Counsel to Parliament, 3rd Floor Room 306,  or the Human Resources department, 4th Floor Room 405.  The form can also be downloaded from the Veritas website [link].

Nominations must be addressed to the Clerk of Parliament in envelopes clearly marked ZIMBABWE ELECTORAL COMMISSION and must either be posted or hand delivered to:

The Clerk of Parliament

Parliament of Zimbabwe

Parliament Building

Cnr. Kwame. Nkrumah Avenue and Third Street

P.O. Box CY 298



ALTERNATIVELY, nominations may be emailed to or .

Closing date for the submission of nominations is 16.30 hours on FRIDAY 16th JULY 2021.


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