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This Bill Has Since Been Gazetted as an Act a Copy of the Act is Available Here
This Bill was gazetted on Friday 23rd July 2021
Veritas comments on the Bill are available here
The Health and Child Care Portfolio Committee's report is available here.
16/03/21 | : Cabinet approved principles. |
23/07/21 | : Date of gazetting |
03/12/21 | : Bill Referred to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee |
02/11/21 | : Bill appears on order paper |
02/11/21 | : Bill introduced to the National Assembly |
02/11/21 | : First reading |
02/11/21 | : Bill referred to Parliamentary Legal Committee |
11/01/22 | : Veritas Commentary on the Bill [link] |
22/02/22 | : PLC issued a non-adverse report |
01/03/22 | : Bill’s Second Reading (First appearance on order paper) |
14/03/22-18/03/22 | : Public Hearings |
07/06/22 | : Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Report[link] |
24/08/22 | : Second reading and Minister’s speech |
24/08/22 | : Debate and Speeches |
24/08/22 | : Minister’s response to report and debate |
24/08/22 | : Second Reading motion approved |
18/10/22 | : Committee Stage |
20/10/22 | : Amendments made and sent to the PLC |
01/11/22 | : PLC issued a non-adverse report on the amendments |
02/11/22 | :Third Reading |
02/11/22 | : Bill transferred to Senate |
08/11/22 | : Bill received from National Assembly |
09/11/22 | :Minister’s speech |
09/11/22 | : 2nd reading of the Bill |
09/11/22 | : Committee Stage |
09/11/22 | : Third Reading |
09/11/22 | : Bill passed by both Houses as amended |
To amend the Health Service Act [Chapter 15:16] and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.
ENACTED by the Parliament and the President of Zimbabwe.
- Short title
This Act may be cited as the Health Service Amendment Act, 2021.
- Amendment of section 4 of Cap 15:16
Section 4 of the principal Act is repealed and substituted by the following—