Portfolio Committee Report on Sexual Harassment in Higher and Tertiary Education Institutions

This report was presented to the National Assembly on 5th May 2022.  Its concluding paragraph reads as follows: 

7.0       CONCLUSION

It is apparent that sexual harassment is rife in most institutions of higher and tertiary learning. Yet, in most instances, these cases of harassment got unreported due to a range of factors which include intimidation and the fear of victimisation. Additionally, it was clear that in most institutions, students and staff were unaware of the existence of a sexual harassment policy. In institutions where the policy was available, the policy was inadequate, lacking a comprehensive definition of sexual harassment and lacking in the sexual harassment grievance handling procedures. It is therefore pertinent that the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology, moves with speed towards crafting a comprehensive model institutional sexual harassment policy that will protect both the staff and students. Additionally, the Government should swiftly move towards crafting the national sexual harassment policy directed towards curbing the scourge of sexual harassment in Zimbabwe.



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