SI 2023-159 Proclamation 7 of 2023 - First Sitting of Tenth Parliament of Zimbabwe

Gazetted 27-09-2023

HIS EXCELLENCY, THE PRESIDENT of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, DR. EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA;

WHEREAS it is provided by section 145(1) of the Constitution that the First Session of Parliament after a general election must take place at a time and place determined by the President, being a date no later than thirty days after the President elect assumes office:

NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the powers vested in me as aforesaid, I do, by this my Proclamation, fix--

(a)  the New Parliament Building, Mt Hampden, as the place in which the First Session of the Tenth Parliament shall be held;

(b)  twelve o'clock noon on Tuesday, the 3rd October, 2023, as the time and date on which the First Session of the Tenth Parliament shall begin.




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