Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development

Minister Anxious Masuka

Deputy Minister(s) 

Vangelis Haritatos and Davis Marapira


Provide technical, extension, advisory, regulatory and administrative services to the agricultural sector to achieve food security and economic development.

Mission Statement

Promote and sustain a viable agricultural sector through the provision of appropriate agricultural infrastructure, mechanisation, technical, administrative and advisory services in order to optimize agricultural productivity to ensure food security.

Contact details

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

1 Borrowdale Road

Ngungunyana Building

Telephone: +263-024-797425


Livestock and Vetenary ServicesGround and 1st Floor BEVAN BUILDING+263024707381
Tsetse Control Services18 Borrowdale Road+263024707365
Research and Specialist ServicesRESEARCH & SPECIALIST CENTRE BUILDING 5th Street Ext+263024704531
AGRITEXGround Floor NGUNGUNYANA BUILDING 1Borrowdale Road+263024790319
MechanizationNGUNGUNYANA BUILD 1Borrowdale Road+263024794604
Irrigation Departmet10th Floor Kaguvi Corner/Central Fourth Street+263024729198



