This report is due to be presented in the in both Houses of Parliament by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs during the week beginning on Tuesday 13th February 2023.
This Annual Report outlines the work of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) in 2023 and is prepared in terms of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and the NPRC Act Chapter [10:32]. NPRC’s 2023 programs were informed by the country’s development blue-print, the National Development Strategy 1 and Vision 2030, the NPRC Strategy, (2021-2025), the NPRC Annual Plan (2023) and the NPRC’s Conflict Prevention Strategy (2022-23), all of which reinforce the contribution of peace to the development of the country. Programs done by the Commission in 2023 were centred around themes focusing on complaints handling and investigations; conflict prevention and non-recurrence; healing, reconciliation and rehabilitation; research and knowledge management; victim support, gender and diversity issues. Suffice to say, the NPRC’s 2023 work was anchored on its overarching theme: Conflict Prevention; this in realization that the Commission needed to do more to avert conflicts in the period leading to; during and after elections.