[14th July 2024]

Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanisms: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption.

We at Veritas join the rest of Africa in commemorating Africa Anti-Corruption Day (July 11, 2024) under the theme: Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanisms: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption.

The theme could not have come at a better time than this in Zimbabwe where corruption has, in both public and private sectors, become prevalent. The Zimbabwe Government is losing billions through corruption and illicit financial flows.

The judiciary and prosecuting authorities have had limited success in convicting suspects as many a time witnesses are not willing to come up and provide crucial evidence. This is a caused of worry as many potential witnesses’ fear reprisals or even death to them or their immediate families, hence the urgent need for “an effective whistleblowers protection mechanism.”

It is in light of this reality that we at Veritas urge the Government to:

1.   Urgently table a Whistleblowers Protection Bill and have it passed by parliament.

2.   Abide and domesticate the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC), the United Nations Convention Against Corruption [link] and the SADC Protocol Against Corruption [link].

3.   To support and enhance the capacities of the judiciary and prosecuting authorities, especially those who work in the specialised Anti-Corruption courts.

We take this moment to reaffirm that Veritas always stands ready to work with and support the Government in the fight against corruption that has become a cancer in our society and crippling development.

We cannot end this statement without recognising those who have stood up and were courageous enough to provide evidence or be witnesses in courts in the fight against corruption. We remain convinced that all working together and playing our parts we will win this battle against corruption.



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