
Cabinet Decision Matrix 2019-15

Cabinet received its weekly update from the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing July Moyo on the ongoing recovery efforts in the aftermath of the Cyclone Idai disaster. Cabinet was briefed that the registration exercise to identify and isolate genuine cases of beneficiaries for continued relief assistance has now been completed in Manicaland province. Significant progress continued to be registered in the repair and rehabilitation of damaged road, water, health, irrigation and schools infrastructure.


Cabinet Decision Matrix 2019-14

Cabinet received a comprehensive update from the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing on the ongoing food relief and recovery efforts in the aftermaths of the Cyclone Idai disaster.

Cabinet was briefed that distribution of food and non-food items is now continuing on a selective basis, prioritising areas where there is greater need.


Cabinet Decision Matrix 2019-13

The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Cde July Moyo, once again, briefed Cabinet on the ongoing recovery programme in the cyclone-hit areas. The Minister informed Cabinet that a total of 1 654 internally displaced people are sheltered and receiving relief assistance at seven holding centres in Chimanimani and Chipinge. A total of 46 602 people comprising special groups, namely children, the elderly and the disabled have so far been given relief assistance.


Cabinet Decision Matrix 2019-12

Cabinet received an update from the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing on the ongoing recovery programme with respect to the Cyclone Idai disaster. The Minister informed the Cabinet that progress continues to be registered in regard to the opening of access routes to affected areas and the distribution of relief assistance.


Cabinet Meeting 2020-15: 12th May

Cabinet considered and adopted a report on the country’s preparedness and response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, which was presented by Honourable Vice President K.C.D. Mohadi, as Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Inter-Ministerial Task Force on COVID-19.  Cabinet noted the increase in the total number of COVID-19 tests hitherto conducted.  These had risen from 13 329 as at 5 May 2020 to 23 096 as at 10 May, 2020.  The country has to date recorded thirty-seven (37) COVID-19 confirmed cases, inclusive of twelve (12) recoveries and four (4) deaths

Cabinet Meeting 2020-14: 5th May

The Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Inter-Ministerial  Task Force on COVID-19, Honourable Vice President K.C.D. Mohadi presented the weekly report on the national preparedness and response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, which was adopted by Cabinet. Cabinet noted with satisfaction the progress in mass testing evidenced by the increase in the number of COVID-19 tests to 13 329 as at 4 May 2020, up from the 6 395 tests reported on 27 April, 2020. The country has to date registered thirty four (34) COVID-19 confirmed cases, inclusive of five (5) recoveries and four (4) deaths.

Cabinet Meeting 2020-11: 15th April

Cabinet noted with satisfaction and approved a progress Report on the country’s preparedness and response to the Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19), which was presented by Honourable Vice President Mohadi, Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Task Force on COVID-19 Outbreak.  Cabinet lauded the level of preparedness in different provinces countrywide, which was reported to be at an advanced stage despite the general economic challenges experienced in the country

Cabinet Meeting 2020-09: 31st March

Cabinet received a report on the country’s preparedness and response to the COVID-19 outbreak as presented by the Honourable Vice President Mohadi, Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Task Force on COVID-19 outbreak.  Cabinet noted with satisfaction that the general populace had heeded the call to stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Zimbabwe Republic Police was also applauded for being cooperative in enforcing the lockdown Order.  Cabinet considered and approved the Action Plan as presented by Hon. Vice President K.C.D.

Cabinet Meeting 2020-07: 17th March

Cabinet received and adopted a report by the Minister of Health and Child Care on the national preparedness and response progress regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.    As at 13 March 2020, more than 9 505 travellers had been screened at the country’s ports of entry and 378 put on surveillance.  The National Microbiology Reference Laboratory had tested 14 suspected cases for COVID-19 and all were negative.  Cabinet was informed that to date there is no confirmed case of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe.

Cabinet Meeting 2020-03: 18th February

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development  and the Zimbabwe Open for Business


Cabinet received an update from the Minister of Mines and Mining Development on the close cooperation with the Zimbabwe Open for Business Forum, an Independent Organisation formed by young Zimbabweans which has played a key role in marketing the Zimbabwe mining industry at its own cost. 


Cabinet Meeting 2020-02: 11th February

The Minister of Finance and Economic Development briefed Cabinet on the action taken to normalize the roller meal supply situation.  He explained that at the First Meeting, Cabinet had noted that the then prevailing price of roller meal provided arbitrage opportunities to some unscrupulous people.  Government had thus moved in to redress the situation using a two-pronged approach.  Firstly, it had been decided that the price be raised to $70 per 10 kg bag of mealie meal from $50.  Secondly, a targetted Coupon Scheme for the Vulnerable is in the offing with the c

Cabinet Meeting 2020-01: 4th February

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde E.D. Mnangagwa led Cabinet in launching the e-Cabinet Solution.  The new paperless platform on which Cabinet will henceforth conduct its weekly meetings comes as one of the flagship e-Government projects to be completed by the Government of the Second Republic.  The occasion of the launch, which preceded the normal Cabinet meeting, marked a very significant step in the adoption of digital methods of running Government operations.  As a nation, we endeavor to enhance service delivery to citizens through electronic means.


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