
GN 2018 - 370B - ZEC Notice fixing 29th May 2018 as the Date on which the New BVR Voters Roll Became the Definitive Voters Roll

Section 36A(2)(a) of the Electoral Act provides that when a new voters roll is produced after the conclusion of a new registration of voters, the new roll will, with effect from such date as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] must fix by notice in the Gazette, be the definitive voters roll on the basis of which the continuous registration of voters in terms of section 17A shall be conducted.

A new registration of voters was ordered by SI 109/2017 and launched on 14th September 2017.

ELECTION WATCH 34-2018 - Presidential Ballot Paper


18th July 2018

Presidential Ballot Paper

It appears that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] has printed presidential ballot papers with the presidential candidates listed in alphabetical order in two columns.  The President’s name, which would be towards the middle of a single column, heads the second column.

What the Electoral Act and Regulations say about the Form of Ballot Papers

Election Watch 29-2018 - ZEC Gazettes Errors & Omissions in List of Nominated Candidates


9th July 2018

Correction of Omissions and Errors in ZEC’s First Lists of Nominated Candidates

The Acting Chief Elections Officer of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] has published two General Notices [GNs] correcting omissions from and errors in the lists gazetted on 22nd June in GNs 411 and 412.  The effect of these corrections is summarised below.

GN 2018 - 359c - ZEC Notice fixing Date of Commencement of Section 42 of Electoral Amendment Act 2012 (No. 3 of 2012) - Legalisation of Polling Station Voters Rolls and Polling Station Voting

This notice brings into operation with effect from 22nd May 2018 the provisions of section 42 of the Electoral Amendment Act 2012 for polling station voters roll and polling station voting.  For an explanation of the need for this notice, see Election Watch 14/2018 of 19th May 2018 entitled Polling Station Voting Still Needs to be Legalised [link].

Voter Registration for Citizens with "Alien" IDs : High Court Judgment in MDC T, MDC N and Kachingwe vs ZEC, Registrar-General, Minister of Home Affairs & ZANU PF

This judgment became available on 4th January 2018.  In it Justice Munangati-Manyonga explains her reasons for the court order she handed down against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and the Registrar-General on 29th November last year.  
ZEC has said it will abide by the court order.

ZEC Voter Registration Centres notice



It is hereby notified for general information that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) shall be registering voters using the new Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) system at all ZEC District offices with effect from 18 September 2017. The offices will open during normal working hours from 0800hrs to 1645hrs, Monday to Friday.

Documents required for registration are:


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