High Court
ARTUZ v ZANU PF - Appellant's Heads of Argument
Urgent Chamber Application for Leave to Execute - ARTUZ v ZANU PF
ZHRC - Investigative Report on ARTUZ case
ARTUZ v ZANU PF - Applicants Heads of Argument
ARTUZ v ZANU PF - First Respondents Opposing Affidavit
ARTUZ v ZANU PF - First Respondents Heads of Argument
Application for Leave to Execute Pending Appeal - ARTUZ v ZANU PF
Notice of Appeal - ZANU PF v ARTUZ
UN welcomes the High Court decision to protect children from being forced to attend political rallies
ARTUZ & Another V ZANU-PF & Another Urgent Chamber Application for an Interim Interdict
Mangwiro v Minister of JLPA - March 2017 - Mushore J
HC 12441-16 Zibani v Judicial Service Commission & Others [Chief Justice Interviews Case]
Democratic Assembly for Restoration & Empowerment (DARE) and others v Newbert Saunyama and others Applicant's Heads of Arguments
Democratic Assembly for Restoration & Empowerment (DARE) and others v Newbert Saunyama and others Provisional Order
Democratic Assembly for Restoration & Empowerment (DARE) and others v Newbert Saunyama and others Urgent Chamber Application for Declaratory Order