Today, the 30th May 2018, President Mnangagwa gazetted a proclamation setting the dates for the forthcoming general election. The proclamation can be accessed on the Veritas website [link]
In Proclamation 2 of 2018 (SI 83 of 2018), the President fixed the following dates:
Read the full text of the judgment giving the reasons of the Kenya Supreme Court for its decision setting aside the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as President of Kenya. The final orders of the court are set out at the end of the judgment, as follows:
[405] By a majority of four (with J. B. Ojwang and N. S.
The right to free elections is guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights. Of all the democratic safeguards against the abuse of political power, it is one of the most fundamental. The ability of individuals to express their identities and choices peacefully, at the ballot box, is central to stability in any society, and so to Europe’s democratic security too.
The tasks performed by election observers are therefore extremely important.
The right to free elections is guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights. Of all the democratic safeguards against the abuse of political power, it is one of the most fundamental. The ability of individuals to express their identities and choices peacefully, at the ballot box, is central to stability in any society, and so to Europe’s democratic security too.
The tasks performed by election observers are therefore extremely important.
Voter registration is often the most controversial and expensive component of an electoral process. No voter register is completely current and accurate, thus all voter lists remain exposed to complaints and objections, both of technical and political nature.
Implicit in the concept of free choice is that of an informed choice. Credible and transparent electoral processes must reflect the political will of the voters. Voters can neither express, nor formulate their will without access to information about candidates, political parties and the practical, procedural, aspects of the electoral process. Well-organized, non-partisan information programmes and unhindered distribution of political party information are therefore critical elements of genuine elections.