National Assembly
BILL WATCH 21-2024 - Coming up in the National Assembly This Week
GN 2024-0432 27-04-2024 By-elections Nomination Court Results for National Assembly Direct Election
Bill Watch 01-2024 - Coming up in the National Assembly This Week
GN 2024-0131 Notice of Vacancies among the Party-list Members of the Senate and National Assembly.pdf
GN 2024-0016 Nomination Court Results for National Assembly DIrect Election
GN 2023-1964 11 November 2023 By-election - Name of Candidate Elected Following Poll
GN 2023-1963 9 December 2023 By-elections Nomination Court Results for National Assembly Direction Election
GN 2023-1640 Notice of Vacancies among the Party-list Members of the Senate and National Assembly
GN 2023-1130 Nomination Court Results for National Assembly Direct Election
BILL WATCH 15-2023 - Two Bills Passed by Senate, None by National Assembly
BILL WATCH 14-2023 - Both Houses Will Sit This Week
Judicial Laws Amendment Bill as amended by National Assembly H.B. 3A, 2022
BILL WATCH 07-2023 - In the National Assembly 7th to 9th February
BILL WATCH 06-2023 - Progress on Bills Thursday and Friday
GN 2022-2568 General Notice 2473 of 2022 Republished with Correctons - Notice of Vacancy Among Party-List Members of the National Assembly
GN 2022-2473 Notice of Vacancy Among the Party-List Members of the National Assembly
Judicial Laws Amendment Bill : Minister’s Second Reading Speech
BILL WATCH 43-2022 - National Assembly Resumes Today: Update on Supplementary Budget
GN 2022-1793 NA By-election 17-08-2022 Names of Nominated Candidates and Address of Constituency Elections Officer