General Notices
GN 2021-224 Notice of Vacancies in the Senate
GN 2021-0170 Loan Agreement Between the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the African Export-Import Bank
GN 2021-0169 Loan Agreement Between the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the African Export-Import Bank
GN 2021-0168 Loan Agreement Between the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the African Export-Import Bank
GN 2021-0077 Income Tax Act- Declaration of Special Mining Lease as Approved Holder for Prurposes of Exemption from Certain Taxes
GN 2020-3053 to 3068 International Loans to Zimbabwe 2011-2015
GN 2020-0266A Publication of Law (Finance Act)
GN 2020-2615&2616 Appointment of Ambassadors
GN 2020-2550A Appointment of Senator
GN 2020-2553 - ZEC Notice : Appointment of Members of Parliament
GN 2020-2552 Public Holidays in 2021
GN 2020-2525 to 2529 Appointment of Ambasadors
GN 2020-2447 - Administrative Court Calendar 2021
GN 2020-2446 -Labour Court Calendar 2021
GN 2020-2445 Supreme and High Court Calendar 2021
GN 2020-2444 - Constitutional Court Calendar 2021
GN 2020-2438 to 9 Notices re Vacant ZANU-PF Senate Seat, Mashonaland Central
GN 2020-2136 to 2301 - PRAZ Lists of Registered Suppliers